Mental health & a Daily Dose of Sunshine

Adrienne Almamour
5 min readNov 16, 2023

I recently watched a wonderful K-drama (Korean drama) called Daily Dose of Sunshine which is currently on Netflix. It’s about a nurse who transfers to the psychiatry department. We are brought into a world of those dealing with mental health issues from panic attacks to self-harm, depression to schizophrenia. It’s not just about those in the psych ward, but others who are out in the world trying to live their daily lives while caring for their mental health.

This drama addresses the denial, the prejudices, and the heartbreak that those with mental health issues, as well as their family and loved ones, experience. The nurse ends up in a psych ward herself for a while due to the suicide of one of her patients — offering viewers another perspective. This drama was beautifully done. It’s well-scripted, well-acted, and definitely worth a watch.

We need more awareness and compassion for those who are struggling with mental health issues and for those around them who are trying to support them. Thankfully, these days, mental health is starting to get the attention that it deserves and is much needed.

Decades ago, it was so taboo to even think about seeing a “shrink.” I probably would’ve been a lot happier and handled things way better had I found some help, but the idea of that somehow becoming a stigma against all of my hard work…



Adrienne Almamour
Adrienne Almamour

Written by Adrienne Almamour

Empath, intuitive & Angel communicator at BE from the Heart; personal growth coach; global explorer & nomad: all continents, 36 countries, lived in 9 countries.

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